My Process

Creating great golf course films comes down to three core ingredients: light, composition and emotion. If you get those three things timed perfectly, all in the right place at the right time you can recreate the magic moments that all golfers love.

One of my favourite special moments comes late in the day. You’re on the green in two on the 16th and you know it’s a birdie chance. Just as you get close to the front of the green the sun spills through a low cloud and reveals a rare and exhilarating sight. As if by magic a shaft of light lands on your line and nowhere else. The subtle contours and undulations are revealed just for you in that very brief moment, showing exactly where to aim, and it’s in… Birdie!

Dedication to the details makes all the difference. What might seem like an insignificant one is flagstick placements. Coordinated with golf course staff in advance can very often make or break the essential perfect composition of a green.

Composition is something that can be taught but take many years of experience to really train your eyes to see and feel the right angle for that hole on that particular day. Quite often the best view is not from the fairway as the golfer sees it. Perfect composition might be from the other side of the lake or from a higher viewpoint just out of bounds.

Extensive scouting of the golf course and the surrounding views are carried out with drones and specialist apps to determine exactly where the sun will be at each hour of the day.

Meet The Filmmaker

David studied Fine Art and then a Photography and Film at degree with Notthingam Before moving to London to he travelled extensively around the World and even sailed across the Atlantic by yacht. David developed both an understanding and a passion for films, and after few years launched his own production company in the UK. After relocation to Italy His work includes public commissions, advertising, fashion films and his passion for golf

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